哥斯达黎加位于中美洲地峡,北纬10°,西经84°。东临加勒比海,西靠北太平洋,有着1290千米的海岸线(东岸加勒比海212千米,西岸太平洋1016千米)。哥斯达黎加哥斯达黎加北部与尼加拉瓜接壤(边境线长309千米),东南偏南与巴拿马接壤(边境线长639千米)。总共有51100平方公里,其中领土50660平方公里,领海440平方公里,比美国的西弗吉尼亚州稍小,相当于爱尔兰。 哥斯达黎加地形是:海岸边是平原,而中部被崎岖的高山所隔绝。该国宣布其专属经济区为200海里,领海为12海里。气候属于热带和亚热带,还有一部分是新热带。 哥斯达黎加的气候条件截然不同,彻底颠覆了一年四季的分类,这里只有两个季节,4月到12月为冬季,降雨多,12月底到第二年4月为干季,也称为夏季。首都圣何塞的年平均气温最低为15℃,最高为26℃;沿海地区的气温相对来说比较高,加勒比海地区的夜平均温度为21℃,日平均温度为30℃。
哥斯达黎加国家足球队 哥斯达黎加国家足球队是哥斯达黎加的足球代表队,由哥斯达黎加足球协会管理。即使在足球水平落后的中北美地区,哥斯达黎加也不算一个强队。但哥斯达黎加队的攻击力非常强,有许多球迷也很关注这支队伍。 哥斯达黎加于美洲金杯最好的表现是在2002年,以亚军完成赛事。他们亦赢过中美洲国家杯五次。他们被三次邀请参加美洲杯,两次在八强出局。 动物和植物 哥斯达黎加原始森林丰富,覆盖面积占国土的40%,拥有多样的动物和植物。 ortuguero 国家公园里有蜘蛛猿、喉猴、白头猴、三趾树懒、320多种鸟类(包括了八种鹦鹉)以及各种爬虫。Monteverde Cloud 原始森林里有2,000多种植物(其中有许多兰花),有400多种鸟类和上百种的哺乳动物。
Generally, the best time to visit Costa Rica is the dry season from December through April, which locals refer to as verano (summer). Dry season does not mean it does not rain; it just rains less (so perhaps should be called the ‘drier season’). Costa Rican schools are closed from December to February, when beach towns are busy, especially on weekends. Lodgings during Semana Santa are usually booked months ahead. In May begins the rainy season, or invierno (winter) as it’s known locally. The tourism ministry has come up with the more attractive denomination of ‘green season’. The early months of the rainy season are actually a wonderful time to travel to Costa Rica: you can avoid the tourist bustle and lodging is slightly cheaper. During this time, however, rivers start to swell and dirt roads get muddy, making travel more challenging. Some more remote roads may not be accessible to public transportation, so always ask locally before setting out. Bring your umbrella and a little patience. Because of the number of North American and European tourists, some Costa Rican towns experience a mini–high season in June and July, during the northern summer holidays. Expect to pay high-season prices in some towns at this time. For surfers the travel seasons vary slightly. For the most part, the Pacific coast sees increased swells and bigger, faster waves during the rainy season, starting in late June and peaking in the worst rainy months of September and October. The Caribbean side, however, has better waves from November through May. Some breaks are consistent year-round. Wildlife enthusiasts may wish to plan their trip around the seasons of the critters. Turtle season on the Caribbean coast is from late-February to October, with the peak season for leatherbacks in April and May and for green turtles in August and September. On the Caribbean coast, the season for leatherbacks is from October to March. Birders will be overwhelmed by feathered friends any time of year, but the best season to spot the resplendent quetzal is between November and April. Spring (March through May) and autumn (September through November) are good times to watch the migratory flocks. Fishing, also, is good year-round, but you might choose your season if you have your heart set on a specific fish. Anglers head to the Caribbean coast between January and May in search of tarpon, while the autumn (September through November) is the season for snook. On the Pacific coast and in the Golfo Dulce, the best time to snag that sailfish is between November and May.